Wimbledon Labour Party
Executive Committee
The day to day running of Wimbledon CLP is in the hands of the Executive Committee, which is comprised of its Executive Officers and the secretaries of each branch.
Executive Officers
Chair Marjorie Semple chair@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Secretary Dave Treanor secretary@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Treasurer Judith Brodie treasurer@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Vice-chair Fundraising Caroline Charles fundraising@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Vice-chair Membership Pam Treanor membership@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Campaigns Officer Dave Treanor campaigns@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Policy Officer Eleanor Stringer policy@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Social Media Officer Tim McLoughlin socialmedia@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Trade Union Liaison Officer Vacant | |
BAME Officer Dee Thiruchelvam bame@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Disabilities Officer Stephen Alambritis disabilities@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
LGBT+ Officer Adam Pepper lgbt@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Women's Officer Katy Neep women@wimbledonlabour.org.uk | |
Youth Officer Abigail Hooper youth@wimbledonlabour.org.uk |